Thursday, August 29, 2024

The History and Workings of the US Supreme Court

The History and Workings of the US Supreme Court

After watching the series of informational videos, (1)(2), on the history of the Supreme Court, there was a handful of key takeaway points and interesting facts. The Supreme Court of the United States of America is the most powerful judicial body on earth, with its legitimacy paved by the Constitution, and its power resting on the public. A Supreme Court Justice, once nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, is responsible for equally and fairly conferring their opinions with each other to determine the proper verdict on any case assigned. 

Some things that I was unaware of before watching the videos include, Firstly, under Chief Justice John Marshall the Supreme Court for the first time asserted the greatest of all judicial powers; striking down an act of Congress as Unconstitutional. In Marbury vs. Madison (1803), Marshall claimed, "It is empathetically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is." Marshall established in this case the doctrine of judicial review, preventing any one branch of the Federal Government from becoming too powerful.  This is a foundational piece of our judicial system as it stands today, and it was surprising that I just now came across this information.

The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court that I learned from watching these videos would be a quote from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in which she claims, "Remember that 'We the People' were composed of a very small part of the people inhabiting these shores. No women could vote, people were held in bondage, and Native Americans were not treated as citizens of equal stature and dignity. So, those people do count among 'We the People' our Constitution embraces today, although it did not at the start." This is key because it shows the progress in the US Judicial system throughout the past two hundred years. Because of the Supreme Court, there has been a multitude of societal issues that have been settled, and with each case, no matter whom, being individually reviewed by Justices weekly, every petition gets the same individual opportunity and consideration. 

Through gaining more information on the workings of the US Supreme Court, My thought process is very considerate of our Justices. They rule the workings of our nation and do so in a comprehensive, equitable way. Through mutual respect for each other, they are able to deliberate arguments courteously to arrive at conclusions that shape the way our lives work. 


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