Sunday, September 8, 2024

Age of AI

AI is quickly becoming one of the most raging topics in modern culture, and with its abilities has the potential to greatly impact our way of life. In the Age of AI, a Frontline PBS special, analyzed AI and its Pros and Cons, from revolutionizing industry to posing serious threats to society. 

Everything good about artificial intelligence is what leads to its problems. For example, in the past few years, AI has taken jobs in factories through being able to automate production. It can even increase production speed through machine learning, or when AI works within a machine and teaches it better ways to produce a product. While this is a good thing for factory owners, this put many people out of jobs and in need of work to support their families

This ability for AI automation has been a key factor in increasing the productivity and cost-effectiveness of business operations. This is not only through machinery but also through structuring business models, increasing financial productivity, analysis, and much more. 

There are also data privacy concerns when looking into AI. Since AI systems draw their conclusions from vast amounts of information to function, the concern arises when considering our personal data and how it is used. This raises questions about who has access to this data, and if it is used to exploit users for advertising. New "deep fake" technologies also pose a threat to society. With this technology, misinformation can easily be spread. 

AI comes with its benefits and its negatives, like any other technology, and it's our job to determine the proper ways to utilize its functionality ethically. As AI continues to grow and develop, it will likely become as prevalent as the internet is today, so we must continually adapt and understand new ways to use its functionality. 

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